Bio-fertilizer is a 100% natural and organic fertilizer that helps to provide all the nutrients and micro-organisms required for the benefits of the plants. It contains a large population of …


Salad Greenhouse Worldwide Ltd. is a privately owned company registered with Corporate Affairs Commission in Nigeria and the Canadian Revenue Agency with a goal to providing farm products, services and equipment in the Agricultural and technology sectors including haulage logistics solution, fertilizers, mechanized farming equipment, import and export of cash crops, agricultural work force suppliers and consultancy services.

Our Story

We Supply The Best Organic Products Since 2005


Why use chemicals when you can get results organic?

Fresh & Healthy

Pure and healthy for consumption!

100% Organic

We are green, we are natural!

Organic Fertilizer

Why use chemicals when you can get results organic?

SGH Maize farm

We are green, we are natural!

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